Our Policies


To increase the satisfaction and development of its members,

To increase the happiness and qualification of the employees,

To ensure that all works carried out within the chamber are fast and error-free,

Following technological developments and including them in the system,

To carry out activities on Occupational Health and Safety,

Protecting the environment and spreading this awareness,

To be able to serve non-member citizens by developing social responsibility projects in the region.

Our commitment to continuously improve our services and management systems and to meet applicable requirements

It forms the basis of our Quality Policy.


Recruiting candidate personnel who are suitable for the nature of the job, through the selection & evaluation filter they have determined and decided, to ensure their orientation in all departments, to include them in periodic trainings that ensure their job and personal development, to evaluate their performance by applying a fair method and to reduce the personnel turnover rate by creating a happy employee profile. constitutes the basis of our policy.


In accordance with the requirements of the law numbered 5174;

To collect the revenues of the chamber in a timely and complete manner and to realize all expenses in accordance with the approved legal budget

Evaluating the investments of the room in the most ideal way,

To determine the issues that will pose financial risks, to review them periodically and to plan preventive actions,

To continuously improve the financial strength of the room,

It forms the basis of our policy.


Solving the problems of the members based on the powers granted by the relevant law,

To make their voices heard by lobbying about the demands of the members from the district, city and country authorities,

To determine the training needs of the members and to ensure that they are met,

To be ablle to provide friendly and quality service to members,

To encourage members to make domestic and foreign investments and to ensure their relations with institutions,

To identify the deficiencies of its members in foreign trade and to support them,

To improve the ability of members to make projects and to continuously increase the gain of Happy Members,

It forms the basis of our policy.


To broadcast all kinds of correct and impartial news for the benefit of the members and to promote the room by using the most effective communication tools.

Identifying the methods preferred by members in terms of communication and conducting the communication in accordance with these methods

To follow all the news about the chamber and to inform the relevant institutions when necessary

It forms the basis of our policy.


To provide fast and error-free service to members by constantly updating the hardware and software infrastructure compatible with the work and technology,

To ensure the reliability of information and its continuity

Ensuring backward traceability by establishing a digital archiving system

By making the web page user-friendly and constantly updating it, to create a database that can be used by every segment in the district.

It forms the basis of our policy.


Within the framework of Law No. 5174;

Complaints of real and legal persons who are in contact with our chamber,

To evaluate it with our managers in an objective, transparent and solution-oriented manner, to analyze it by considering its financial dimensions, not to demand any financial costs during the solution phase, and to measure the end-of-solution satisfaction by making all processes traceable by the complainants.